Drool Inducers

Holigay Cookie Trifecta

Holigay Cookie Trifecta

a little history. I come from a LARGE Italian family, and I’d venture to say that our Christmas Eve cookies may take precedence over the savory food that day. Maybe. Nana would make no less than 7 different varieties of cookies and they’d all be …read more!

Old Bay Biscuits and Gravy

Old Bay Biscuits and Gravy

Biscuits and Gravy is classic American comfort breakfast. It’s so yummy, and filling, and stick-to-your-ribs good. It’s also pretty much always the same. I love adding Old Bay to gravies and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to spice up an old classic! I’m …read more!

Chicago Italian Beef Sandwiches in Instant Pot

Chicago Italian Beef Sandwiches in Instant Pot

Italian Beef Sandwiches are a true Italian-American staple, originating right here in Chicago! Much like Italian dialect, every Italian family has their own version; and obviously mine is the best. Most recipes will call for onion or garlic to cook with the beef and beef …read more!

Easy Peasy Pizza Sauce

Easy Peasy Pizza Sauce

Homemade pizza sauce is SO easy peasy, and the flavor is lightyears better than canned. You probably have most of the ingredients on-hand already! Plop it on my DETROIT-STYLE PIZZA for the ultimate pizza experience. If you don’t use it all, it stores perfectly in …read more!

Detroit-Style Pizza

Detroit-Style Pizza

I grew up eating/knowing this as Sicilian-Style pizza, seeing as my great-grandparents were from Sicily. This style of pizza is not for everyone. You have to want your crust to be almost like a focaccia…and I most certainly do! Detroit-Style pizza is in fact a …read more!

Korean Fried Chicken Sandwich

Korean Fried Chicken Sandwich

Popeye’s Fried Chicken Sandwich may be the best thing to ever come out of a fast food chain, but there is one thing it is not…Korean. Korean Fried Chicken is crave-able because of all the flavor notes the sauce hits: sweet, spicy, and umami. I’ve …read more!

Bi Bim Bop Korean Rice Bowls

Bi Bim Bop Korean Rice Bowls

A delicious way to eat your damn veggies! Easily add some grilled meat, if it pleases you. Bi Bim Bop is an amazing way to gobble up your miss-matched veggies that are about to go bad. But what ties it all together?! Glad you asked …read more!

Korean Sassy-Ass Seoul Sauce

Korean Sassy-Ass Seoul Sauce

If there’s one thing I love, it’s Korean food. If there’s another thing I love, it’s spicy food. This is sweet, spicy, and umami all in one. It makes a small batch (just under a 1/2 cup) so that it’s easy to use all up …read more!

The Best Diner Tina Tuna Melt

The Best Diner Tina Tuna Melt

The classic American Diner holds a very special place in my heart. My first job in high school was at the town diner. The first time I worked for Top Chef winner Stephanie Izard was at the upscale Little Goat Diner. And countless drunken nights/hungover …read more!

Pumpkin Apple Donut Bread Cake Thing

Pumpkin Apple Donut Bread Cake Thing

My inner basic bitch proudly steps out of the closet every year at this time for some pumpkin spice everything. Ok, mostly everything; I, too, have limits. As I was scrolling through fall recipes, I came across an Apple Cider Doughnut Loaf Cake from Bon …read more!

The Champagne of Turkey Chilis

The Champagne of Turkey Chilis

Why Turkey Chili? Because it’s balls-to-the-wall delicious. Need another reason? This one is made with The Champagne of Beers, Miller High Life. I really got turned on to turkey chili when I was working at this cute little restaurant, Tilli’s, back in the day. I …read more!

Croissant Cinnamon French Toast

Croissant Cinnamon French Toast

Pardon my french, but fuck yes to this recipe. Now, my fat ass can eat this entire helping alone, but that’s not for everyone. Portion at your own risk. When I lived in France, it was so weird to see Pain Perdu (French toast) on …read more!